Saturday, July 19, 2008

Something sparky (ho ho ho)

I'm far too moany about the books and stories that I read. I always hope to find good things though. ( I do start from a point of optimism, but mainly I am disappointed.) I have worked with Jo Horsman at the Fiction Workhouse, and am delighted to see her rather wonderful story "Sparks"  has just been published at Red Peter

Guaranteed not to disappoint!


Sparks said...

Sara! Thank you, hun. xx

Anonymous said...

In other news... happy birthday chum!!! Have a lurverlee day. K xxxx

Anonymous said...

Two part reason for this note…
1) I’ve been reading through your posts and am really enjoying your insights. Thanks for taking the time to keep up the blog!

2) Would you be interested in receiving a copy of “The No Complaining Rule: Positive Ways to Deal with Negativity at Work,” a newly released book by Jon Gordon? I think you’d enjoy the premise of the book and some of the stats that Jon speaks to… such as how negativity costs companies 250-300 billion a year, according to Gallup. How various surveys say that 70-80% of people hate their jobs. And how more people die Monday morning at 9am than any other time. It’s really a book about developing positive solutions. This is not a bullet points, 10-step program book. It's a real story with characters and drama. Readers learn a ton in the process.

I work with Jon and since you are a thought leader whom I respect I’d love to get your feedback about dealing with negativity in the workplace and people's daily lives. You can check out more about the book and watch few short promo videos we’ve made by going to There’s a part in the first one where the boss head butts an employee for complaining. It’s hilarious!
Thanks and please let me know if you’d like to check out the book.



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