Jo Horsman is setting up a new Flash Fiction evening, "Sparks", at Upstairs at Three and Ten in Brighton.
The very first event will take place on October 14th. I will be there, attempting to read a tiny flash that made me bawl when I wrote it, so lots of fun eh?
Jo is looking for submissions from people who are available to read on the night. She invites subs of 500 words or less, on any theme. Please send to :
jo horsman@hot (remove the spaces)
for her consideration.
Or, if you wish to attend, tickets will be available from Other Place Productions nearer the time, at a cost of £5. Places are limited, as this very cool venue has a limited capacity of 46. (It is in a room above a good pub, and drinks can be taken into the venue. Hurray. I may need several!)
2 months ago
Sounds awesome! I want to read the tiny little piece that made you bawl when you wrote it. If only there wasn't that damn ocean between us, I'd be having a beer with you at a pub where peeps are reading flash fiction (Maybe someday one of us will own a private jet and it won't be such a bother . . . ) ;)
Sparks' own private jet. Made of paper. Very good strong paper, thrown by a very strong and good man.
Thanks for the comment!
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