Regular readers will know that I'm a massive fan of Janice Galloway. She is such an amazing writer, and forms one part of the writers-I-aspire-to-and-worship-and-sadly-will-never-be-as-good-as-but-oh-how-they-make-me-hope-trio (Lorrie Moore and Ali Smith are the other two). So I was very excited to hear that she has a memoir coming out in September. A new Galloway publication is cause for happy feelings. BUT GUESS WHAT?
Go on, guess?
We have arranged for her to come to the Brighton branch of Waterstones!
Whooooo hoooooo.
Talk & Signing
Janice Galloway
This is Not About Me
Tuesday, 23 September 2008, 7:00PM - 8:00PM
Tickets £3, redeemable against purchase of the book on the night.
The critically acclaimed author of, 'Where You Find It' will be in-store to talk about and sign copies of her new auto-biography 'This Is Not About Me'.
Further details: 01273 206017
I so want this event to be a success, and urge any people in the area to buy a ticket now!
Isn't it exciting!
By the way, back here I mentioned that I had ordered in copies of Galloway's short story collection "Where you find it", and written a review. I was pleased that we had sold 12 copies. We have sold 29 copies now!
2 days ago
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