Not having my laptop is weird. I am online much less, and it makes me see how much time I usually do spend doing bobbins really. I am a scattergun writer, perhaps. I browse online, I visit facebook, blogs, FW, zoetrope, Lowculture, read emails, shop, and in-between I switch to word and write in short bursts. I don't know if I am able to write more solidly, because whenever I attempt to, I distract myself, if not with online stuff, then with real life business; phone calls, cleaning, eating, lots of staring into nothing, anything really. Even just writing this I suddenly jumped up and changed my top. I need to work on staying focused I think.
I have to ring the mac repair peeps soon and get a verdict on its health. I think it's gonna be bad news, as the guy shook his head and whistled at it. I think I have lost everything, which I didn't think was too much of a problem until I remembered all those little pieces of work that i didn't back up because they were to be worked on. And lots of photos that I had seen so often I was bored with, but now they are LOST I want them back.
I think I should set myself a time limit. Like, before the school run it's ok to check emails quickly, but after, I should crack on and write the novel for a couple of hours. Then stop for lunch, after that scoot around online, and work on reviews, edits, flash etc. After school is boys time (but if they are on wii or ps it's ok for me to play too!) Sounds workable. In theory. I always forget though that there's so much other stuff to get on with, I think I find chunks of writing time and then realise that I am mummy too, and work part time, and need to do household stuff and paperwork and shopping and cleaning.
6 days ago
To be honest I ... oh, what's the point, you're not due online for ages anyhow.
See what I mean? ;-)
But seriously, I hope this is working out well for you.
Ha ha!
Tuesday is verdict day, it doesn't look good though.
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