I'd read it through and was flipping back and forth a little. Then some youngish male started singing to me "How do you like your eggs? I like mine fried and on top of toast." His friend looked at him baffled and I did one of those tight half smiles trying to be friendly not stand-offish, but not wanting further interaction. Still his friend joined in and sung about scrambled eggs. And I wasn't surprised, it seemed like just the sort of thing that would happen to someone reading a Sean Lovelace book.
Sean is a word magician. He has a way of putting words together and creating something fresh. He's funny too. The flash fictions in this book made me smile (yeah, even the sad ones.)
I don't want to spoil things as I think you should probably head over to Rose Metal Press and buy yourself a copy.
To persuade you I will say that "Charlie Brown's diary: excerpts" managed to surprise me, amuse me, and leave me marvelling at Sean's wit.
"crow hunting" begins " Wednesdays seem a day to reflect. A day for gentler things. It's their personality - the misshapen nature, the hump, the way a Wednesday morning feels like the last sip of home-brewed beer. Silty"
It's that "Silty" that casts the spell I think.
I loved reading how Anne Sexton likes her eggs.
Sean Lovelace blogs here and I recommend his blog to anyone who gives a damn about fiction. He seems to be a thoroughly good egg. Har har.
Great recommendation Sara. No jokes about it sounding egg-stra special. But I'm sure there will be a scramble to get hold of a copy.
oh god.
but yes, it does sound nice, raw or cooked.
I applaud spontaneous singing in public and Sean's Chapbook :-) The world needs so much more of both.
Julia! please, no more eggstremely bad jokes please!
And Vanessa - I expect better from you!
Rohan - the singing was dodgy, the chapbook was not!
(Sheez, the exclamation police are gonna be after me.)
I went away between reads so that I could come back and laugh at all the jokes and not be accused of egging you on :)
Rachel that's not eggs-actly the sort of comment I was hoping for.
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