I keep forgetting to mention that I am in The Best of Every Day Fiction 2 - an anthology from those EDF peeps. It's available in hardback or softback. Thanks to EDF for including my wee story "The Collector of Shiny."
I was pleased to be in the debut issue of kill author and I am pleased that they have been voted best new online magazine or journal in the storySouth Million Writers Award. Woot woot! Speaking of the Award, kudos aplenty to all the writers who have been listed in the notable stories list. There's some really good, good writing there (special mention must surely go to Roxane Gay who has, what, six stories nominated?)
And tooting my own (plastic, red and yellow, imaginary toy) trumpet, it's been brilliant to get my writing mojo back after a long time being ill and brain fuddled. I have been writing words that please me, and feeling pretty good about it. I started subbing again (after a long time of not) and yesterday I got acceptances for 5 pieces of work. Five! In one day! (Though if I break it down, four pieces were accepted by the same place, does that count? But - I sent four hoping that they might find something to like amongst them and am THRILLED that they said, yup, we like, and took them all.) The other piece found a home somewhere I have really wanted to be published, after a requested rewrite. I spent some days nervously checking my emails, and hoping that my rewrite was solid. So yay!
And - the best words to hear on going into work?
"I saw a rep. last week, he had some new short story collections so I took them for you."
Yup. Life can be good.
6 days ago
Congratulations on getting your mojo back, and on the acceptances! Celebrate--life can be good.
fab news, S. Enjoy, and many congrats on all those successes.
Thanks Ethel, Vanessa, Sophie. Back to normal with a rejection yesterday!
It's just such a relief to be writing NEW words (as opposed to rewriting old ones, which is all I was capable of during the dark Pyoderma days.)
Yay to all of this! Wonderful! How brilliant to be in the first issue of a new mag that is already Best XXX, (not XXX in a naughty kind of way). 5 acceptances??! Wow! (Sorry, overuse of exclamation marks). Woo-hoo to you!
Thrilled to read things is going good! And FIVE in one day's simply awesome!
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