Saturday, August 07, 2010

Erm, new bloggy look Part 2!

Sorry. I've changed again. The book spines in the background were bugging me. I'm way happier with the new design (from the delicious Yummy Lolly site.)

I'm ill, again. Still. Pyoderma Gangrenosum may be Nodular Vasculitis and I've been on antibiotics then steroids to try to reduce the inflammation. I have a chest infection so they have given me more antibiotics. I ache all over. One of my sons is ill too. We've gone to my parents to try and rest. I feel adrift in their house. My dad is in the lounge watching TV, my mum goes to bed early (and watches TV in there.) Ted is in our shared bedroom so he's sleeping, and I perch wherever (kitchen/landing) and change my blog design, check facebook too often, and twitter, and feel weirdly alone. Then I cough. And cough. And sleep for an hour or so before I wake up coughing. It's not so much fun.


Rachel Fenton said...

I really hope the meds work for you this time - sounds like you are getting a crap deal.

Forgive me for enjoying the new bloggy looks this is bringing about :)

Hope your son gets well very soon, too.

Tania Hershman said...

I'm glad you're both getting some rest, it sounds peaceful although a little odd, I'm sure, to be with your parents again. Hoping the meds work. Love to you and Ted. Keep changing the blog design, why not? Try creating a Wix site,, hours of fun to be had there too :)

dan powell said...

Hope you feel better soon. Might cheer you up to know that I read your story 'Ha Ha Bonk' online this week and loved it. Just tweeted it as my #storysunday pick of the week.

And I know what you mean about the books. Had another crack at sorting my blog yesterday too.Going to see if I can take a decent photograph of some library bookshelves at some point or perhaps even my own.

Nik Perring said...

REALLY like this look. Wishing you and son a very speedy recovery. Being ill sucks.

N xx

Unknown said...

Thanks, Rachel. I'm feeling a teeny bit better today, and Ted seems a wee bit better too so have my fingers crossed.

Thanks Tania. But oh no, what have you done showing me the Wix site. I may be powerless to resist!

Dan - that's such a lovely boost. Thank you so much. And re: the book spines - yes, real books would look so much better. It'd be ace to have my own shelves as a backdrop. Tho' I think I'm rather sold on the clean, plain look for now.

Nik - Thanks for the good wishes, and yeah, it really does suck.

Jenny Beattie said...

I'm sorry to hear that you're ill. It's very difficult being somewhere away from home and your own space even if it's so people can look after you a bit.

I hope the meds start working soon. JJx

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